Vocabulary for the July 9th Meeting.

We are at the top pf page 26, at the heading that reads “Differing Acts of Surrender.” Tiebout uses a couple of terms in a technical way that might bear some explanation.


A good dictionary will tell you that this word comes from a greek word that means purification, cleansing or purging. Catharsis generally means revealing hidden emotions in a way that removes them as problems. You can have catharsis in art or in many other contexts. Tiebout’s use of the word is probably closer to the technical meaning given to it by Freudian psychoanalysis. A paragraph from the Wikipedia page for catharsis sums that up nicely:

The term catharsis has also been adopted by modern psychotherapy, particularly Freudian psychoanalysis, to describe the act of expressing, or more accurately, experiencing the deep emotions often associated with events in the individual’s past which had originally been repressed or ignored, and had never been adequately addressed or experienced.


This word describes the situation where we transfer out emotions from one person. place or thing to another. For example, maybe I deal with my (male) boss as if he had the attitudes my father had. My emotions about my father transfer to my boss. In psychotherapy, transference describes a patient placing feelings of love, anger or fear onto the therapist. Often that shows up as romantic or erotic feelings, but a whole slew of emotions including anger can show up. Transference can be seen as valuable to therapy as a way in to a patient’s unconscious feelings.


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